Antidopingledere med bønn til WADA

Ber antidopingbyrået reagere raskt, etter at RUSADA ikke overholdt fristen for å gi tilgang til informasjonen fra laboratoriet i Moskva.

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Anders Solheim, daglig leder i Antidoping Norge. Foto: Stian S. Møller

Da WADA opphevet suspensjonen av Det russiske antidopingbyrået (RUSADA) i september, ble det satt som ett av to krav at de skulle få full tilgang til LIMS-databasen og den tilhørende informasjonen fra det tidligere laboratoriet i Moskva innen 31. desember 2018.

21. desember opplyste WADA at et ekspertteam på fem personer hadde returnert fra Russland uten å ha fått tilgang på informasjonen de var lovet. 1. januar kom en endelig bekreftelse på at de ikke hadde blitt gitt tilgang til informasjonen innen tidsfristen som var satt.

Ber WADA fremskynde
Saken skal etter planen behandles under et møte i WADAs Compliance Review Committee (CRC) 14-15. januar, men nå går lederne for 16 nasjonale antidopingbyråer (NADOer) ut og krever at WADA raskt tar affære og fatter en beslutning i saken.

- Etter mer enn tre år med undersøkelser, ubesluttsomhet og kompromisser som svar på den verste dopingskandalen i idrettens historie, er tiden moden for å vise at ingen individer eller nasjoner er fritatt sine forpliktelser til Verdens Antidopingkode (WADC), heter det i uttalelsen.

- NADO-ledere bønnfaller WADA om å bruke sin fulle autoritet og ressurser til å fremskynde denne saken, står det videre.

Uttalelsen i sin helhet:
«Statement from National Anti-Doping Organisations on Russia Compliance Deadline

January 2nd, 2019 - NADO Leaders acknowledge the January 1, 2019 Release from WADA outlining the current status of the management of anti-doping compliance matters in Russia.

With a view to its 31 December 2018 deadline for Russia to provide the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) with the critical LIMS data from the Moscow Laboratory, the anti-doping world fully expects a decisive response in support of the clean athletes of the world. After more than three years of review, indecision and compromise in response to the worst doping scandal in the history of sport, the time has come to demonstrate that no individual nor nation is exempt from compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code.

On 20 September 2018 the WADA Executive Committee created an opportunity by providing a new opportunity for Russia to demonstrate interest in protecting the rights of clean athletes and a willingness to play by the rules. Russia has failed to meet its obligations. Therefore, we now call on WADA to stand firm, enforce the missed deadline and move without delay towards a decision in this matter. Recognizing WADA had previously scheduled a Compliance Review Committee meeting on January 14-15, 2019, NADO Leaders now call on WADA to acknowledge the gravity of this missed deadline and call for an immediate review and recommendation from the CRC.

We recognise RUSADA has been working with WADA in an effort to resolve these issues, but the conditions agreed on 20 September 2018 were unequivocal and without the data there can be only one outcome. The importance of this situation does not warrant providing a further two weeks for Russia to comply. With the interest of clean sport hanging in the balance, WADA must call for CRC to convene and consider this matter without further delay.

In October 2018 NADO Leaders signalled our steadfast commitment to the global athlete community in support of clean sport. Today, that commitment is stronger than ever, and that is why we believe Russia must be held accountable for its continuing failure to comply. A return to international sport should only be considered for Russia once full confidence in a clean Russian sporting culture is restored – in other words, only once WADA has received and verified the electronic LIMS data as well as access to the samples in the Moscow Laboratory.

NADO Leaders implore WADA to use its full authority and resources to expedite this matter.

This Statement is supported by the National Anti-Doping Organisations of: Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Singapore, Sweden, and USA».

Les også:Antidopingledere ber WADA vente med RUSADA-avgjørelse