Howman attending seminar in Oslo
Director General David Howman attending Anti-Doping Seminar in Norway.
Anti-Doping Norway and the Norwegian NOC invited to an Anti-doping Seminar ““How to ensure zero tolerance for doping in international championships in Norway”.
Out of 200 seats, only a few were still available when The Norwegian Minister of Culture, Linda Hofstad Helleland, opened the seminar this morning. In her speech, she clearly emphasized that sports event organizers that apply for public funding shall follow the anti-doping rules.
The seminar included a lively panel discussion with X Games in focus. Professional boxing was another hot topic.
- This was a very successful seminar, with a good representation of sport, media, politicians and other relevant stakeholders.
My impression is that this was a good and fruitful follow-up of the debate we have had here in Norway earlier this year about the X Games and professional boxing, says Anders Solheim.
- With the signals that were given here today, we are confident that we will be able to establish an anti-doping system that will facilitate professional boxing in Norway. We also hope that X Games will be held again in Norway, with an anti-doping program in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code.