Anti-Doping Norway relaunches the e-learning program Clean Fitness Centre
Fitness professionals and gym members can acquire basic anti-doping knowledge through the Clean Fitness Centre program.
Today, Anti-Doping Norway has relaunched the successful e-learning program Clean Fitness Centre. The program is designed for fitness professionals and gym members, and is available in both English and Norwegian.
Clean Fitness Centre provides basic knowledge of anti-doping, presented in a user friendly and appealing manner. The e-learning program is part of a larger anti-doping concept developed for the fitness industry.
Since the first version was launched in 2011, the content of the e-learning program has undergone major updates. A module about dietary supplements has been added, and the program has been optimized for use on all platforms.
Register using the following code: FB18U
Clean Fitness Centre:Complete the modules here
- The new version is adjusted to suit both fitness professionals and gym members. I strongly recommend both groups to spend a couple of minutes to gain knowledge about this important topic, says Anti-Doping Norway's adviser Kim Eilertsen.
During the five years the program has excisted, the number of users has increased significantly. The program has also been included in several educational modules and trainings for personal trainers.
- By spreading knowledge about the consequences of doping, we want to influence people to make deliberate decisions and say no to doping, says Eilertsen.
The program
There are seven modules in total, and each of these consists of a film, facts about anti-doping and a quiz. Four of the modules are made specifically for members.
After completing all the modules, a diploma is sent to the user's e-mail address. It is not necessary to complete all the modules at once.
Questions about Clean Fitness Centre? Contact Kim Eilertsen: [email protected]