Independent Committees
Anti-Doping Norway's independent committees
- Whereabouts Committee
The Whereabouts Committee is composed of top level athletes or former top level athletes and members with legal competence. The Committee is independent from the Administration and is given the authority to make decisions of whereabouts failures.
- Medical Committee
The Medical Committee, appointed by the Board of Anti-Doping Norway, possess expert medical competence and is responsible for the review of Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) applications. They have the authority to grant or reject TUEs.
The Committee is also encouraged to advise the administration and suggest projects that may contribute to further knowledge and competence in medical matters relating to anti-doping.
- Complaint Committee
The members of the Complaint Committee are appointed by the Board of Directors in Anti-Doping Norway. The Committee is independent from the Administration and is given the authority to make decisions related to complaints concerning whereabouts failures and TUE-decisions.
- Prosecution Committee
The members of the Prosecution Committee are appointed by the Board of Directors in Anti-Doping Norway, and shall possess legal, medical and/or pharmacological competence.
The Prosecution Committee is independent from the administration, and is given the authority to file a prosecuting petition of a possible anti-doping rule violation. They are given the authority to present the petition in front of the independent Judicial Committee appointed by the Norwegian Confederation of Sports and Olympic and Paralympic Committee.