Nordic Collaboration
The Nordic countries have collaborated in the field of anti-doping for several decades, with a formal agreement first signed in 1982.
The first meeting resulted in an agreement which gave the signatories the right to test athletes from any of the party countries both in- and out-of-competition.
Co-operation has enabled the countries to harmonise testing practices, develop educational activities, collaborate on research projects and seminars, and create common policies for international activities.
The Nordic co-operation has been particularly significant in creating quality management systems for testing.
The Nordic countries meet at least once a year to discuss relevant anti-doping topics and issues.
The Nordic countries part of the agreement are:
Denmark: Anti Doping Danmark (ADD)
Iceland: Íþrótta- og Ólympíusamband Íslands
Sweden: Antidoping Sverige
Finland: Suomen Antidopingtoimikunta ADT ry
Norway: Stiftelsen Antidoping Norge (ADN)
Nordic Athlete Passport Management Unit
In addition, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway and the Norwegian Laboratory for Doping Analysis established in 2013 the Nordic Athlete Passport Management Unit (NAPMU) to administer and manage the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) program of a selection of athletes in the respective countries.
The fundamental principle of the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) is to monitor selected biological variables over time that indirectly reveal the effects of doping rather than attempting to detect the doping substance or method itself.
The NAPMU offers its services to other ADOs to manage their ABP program and assist in their test planning to ensure high quality, up-to-date evidence-based test programs. NAPMU operates in accordance with the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Code (WADC) and ABP Guidelines.